Monday, November 16, 2020

Self Similarity


In previous posts, I have touched on the concept that there are hierarchical layers of logic with higher levels of coding.  This hierarchical system of code mirrors a pattern very common in nature that has been proven to support the evolution of systems.  Self similarity: it has sometimes been referred to as the "Thumbprint of God". 

In our case, the key to the structure supporting evolution are the DSL interfaces exposed by each subsystem.  It's via the DSL that higher level systems can use AI to evolve the configuration and execution of lower level systems.  Different configurations can be expressed via the DSL's and then experimented with.  In response to this feedback, the system changes its shape.

By basing each subsystem on the simple components of the Uber language of compute:  Resource DSL, Execution DSL, Routing DSL and Data DSL, your entire system is setup to evolve.  The four DSL's enable the code to replicated.  Think of it like cell-division - the system is alive.  There is not only code to perform base operations, but code that controls and configures the code itself. (and above that code that configures the code that configures the code...)

The series Quark Science did an episode on computer science and evolution.  - Turing and evolution of systems - Mandelbrot and Thumbprint of God

Brings me back to early post on this blog:

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