Monday, August 24, 2020

Covid Project - get better with Algorithms

 A friend of mine had suggested that I look into Hackerrank a few years back,  I had tried to get a routine going, but commuting into NYC proved to provide less time for study than needed.

This year, I discovered AlgoExpert.  There are many options for learning out there:  Cracking the Coding interview and LeetCode being two examples.  It's  just that AlgoExpert is the all in one comes with batteries approach.   The videos are clear and well thought out.   The code matches the lectures exactly to the line.  After viewing the videos a few times, you end up understanding the algorithm at both the code and conceptual level.  Attention is paid to do Big O for each algorithm, and, there are over 100 algorithms in the deck.

Anki makes its easier to dive into the internals and you really start to own the logic.

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