Sunday, February 02, 2020

The actual shape of the multiverse of Compute

Of course, this doesn't actually exist, but it does help to visualize the way data flows into the multiverse of Compute.

The shape is like a hollowed-out sphere with an outer wall width that varies in thickness with the degree of parallelism.  The outermost edge functions in a way that is very similar to a black hole's event horizon; information is frozen (snapshotted) as it hits the horizon.

Similar to the Holographic principle, previously described "Universes" of related compute resources that exist in 2D grids get imprinted on the event horizon and become 1-D lines of execution during the descent into the hole.  The line is 1 row of the grid (really a graph) of related KBLs pinned to a time-slice.  As a time slice enters the hole execution starts, then when it has published its results it evaporates.

The is not an infinitely dense object - it's hollow in the middle as we prune timeslices after a certain point; they evaporate at the desired depth. In actuality, evaporation could be the transition of the innermost time-slice into a newer snapshot of data existing on the edge of the sphere. The compute resources from the innermost level cycle out to receive the newest input data in a loop.

As you can no doubt tell, I am no physicist, so I am only pulling what I see that I can use from the theory...

Since any change in quantum state requires time to flow, so all objects and their quantum information state stays imprinted on the event horizon.   

That sounds like a snapshot of data

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