Saturday, February 01, 2020

The shape of the multiverse of Compute

Snapshots are a way of sharing data.  There are different ways this can be used.  In a lockless data pond, the high watermark of every record forms the global state at any given time.  Every record has a reference ID that associates versions of the entity.  The high water mark for all the reference IDs can be divided and passed to multiple processes; effectively sharding a complex problem.  This sharing allows a divide and conquer approach can be visualized as a line of compute instances arranges horizontally to the flow of vertical time passage.  This 2-dimensional grid forms a layer of the multiverse.

If a layer is in 2 dimensions then 3 dimensions could be envisioned as different code bases that can function as part of a multicellular organism.  In this case in the form of a pseudo cube where each layer could have a different size; as it's it's own problem set.  Communication between 2D planes would be when multiple code bases communicate.

Solving problems in the multiverse can be looked at as similar to multi-level chess.  

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